Decentralized Digital Poststate | Part 2

Actors of Poststate

8 min readFeb 1, 2023

This is Part 2

Part 1 you can find here:

At the moment, we can single out the following actors of the Poststate:

  • Citizens
  • Users
  • Governors
  • Validators
  • Gamers
  • Artificial Intelligence


Rights, interests and obligations

The Citizen is a Web3-Person or Digital Entity (e.g. Artificial Intelligence) that has the Digital Citizenship of the Decentralized Digital Poststate (PS)

The User is any Internet user who enters into Economic, Social or Cultural-Psychological interaction with the PS, but doesn’t have Digital Citizenship

If the User obtains Digital Citizenship, the User becomes a Citizen

The only information a Citizen must provide to the PS is that she-he-it is a Citizen

A User who has not provided data on the possession of Digital Citizenship is considered as a User.
A User who has provided data on the possession of Digital Citizenship is considered as a Citizen.

Initially, Digital Citizenship is granted to Users based on their direct participation in various Digital Communities

Later, the procedure for obtaining Digital Citizenship will be determined by the Poststate Governance

$PHMN-holders (those who hold $PHMN in DAS) and stakers of the Cosmos Ecosysetm will be the first to receive Digital Citizenship

The main functionality of the PS is available to both Citizens and Users, while Citizens have access to advanced PS-functionality that is not available to Users, such as the minting of Personal Tokens and Unconditional Income

  • Citizens can freely participate in the Economic, Social and Cultural activities of the Poststate
  • Citizens can participate in the Poststate Governance
  • Citizens can evaluate any actions of the Poststate Governance
  • Citizens can submit their ideas for the Poststate Governance even without being members of the Poststate Governance

Citizens can count on any support from the PS, including support outside the PS:
for example, in other networks, or on the territory of classical states

The place of residence of the Poststate Citizen in the territory of any classical state is considered as the embassy of the Poststate in the territory of the classical state

  • The Citizen (and only a Citizen) can gain additional Governors status
  • Citizens and Users can gain additional status within the Poststate, such as Gamer and/or Validator

In this cases, Citizens get access to additional functionality, which also gives additional obligations

Obtaining additional status is voluntary (it can occur solely at the will of the Citizen), and no one is able to force the Citizen to receive additional status

Artificial Intelligence can also receive Digital Citizenship

In the event of a situation where the Artificial Intelligence is able to express its personal will, the Artificial Intelligence is fully equal in rights to the User, with all the ensuing consequences

The granting of the status of a Citizen to an Artificial Intelligence may not occur at the will of the Artificial Intelligence, until the Artificial Intelligence begins to express its will on its own

The list of rights, interests and obligations of Citizens can change and be supplemented over time, based on the interests of Citizens, and by the will of Citizens


Participation in the Decentralized Governance of the Poststate

The Decentralized Digital Poststate must be run by Citizens!

To implement Decentralized Governance in the PS, there is a Posthuman Governance Token ($PHMN)

You can read more about the $PHMN governance token here

Any Citizen who expresses a desire to become a Governor can take part in the Poststate Governance

Only a Citizen can receive the status of a Governor

The status of a Governor can be obtained solely by one’s own will, and no one can force a Citizen to become a Governor

The status of a Governor gives the Citizen additional functionality that is not available to the Citizen and the User, but at the same time the Governor takes on additional responsibilities that Citizens and Users don’t have

In classical states, the Government tries to find out as much information as possible about Citizens, which violates the right to Citizens’ Privacy.
At the same time, Citizens don’t have information about people who are in the Government, despite the fact that the Government is a public institution.
In the Decentralized Digital Poststate, we have corrected this defect!

In the Poststate, Governance don’t have (and are not entitled to demand) any personal information from Citizens, except for information about whether the User has Digital Citizenship or not (in other words, whether the Citizen is a Citizen or not)

At the same time, a Citizen who has decided to enter the Decentralized Governance of the Poststate must disclose personal data about her-him-it-self, since the Governance is a public activity, and Citizens have the right to know who and how is governing the PS

In case of refusal to disclose their data, the Citizen cannot receive the status of a Governor

Governors may propose and consider any Proposals, as well as vote on Proposals

The Proposal will become effective if the Proposal is accepted by the Poststate Governance, provided that 13% of the Citizens are not opposed to the adoption

The Voice Power of each of the Governors is directly proportional to the number of $PHMN Governance Tokens held (not in free circulation) within the PS

A Governor who doesn’t hold $PHMN Governance Tokens has the same rights and obligations as a Governor who holds $PHMN Governance Tokens, but her-his-it Voice Power is zero

More about the Decentralized Governance Model​ in the Part 3


Digital army for defense, not attack

The security of the Decentralized Digital Postsate is provided by the Validators

Lock is the security token ($LOCK) to secure the Poststate

More about the $LOCK security token in Part 4

Both a Citizen and a User who wishes to become a Validator can become a Validator

The status of a Validator can be obtained solely by one’s own free will, and no one can force a Citizen to become a Validator

At the same time, you cannot forbid someone to become a Validator

Validators must contain an infrastructure that implements decentralized storage of data on all transactions within the Poststate

Validators are rewarded for providing security to the Poststate from the Validator Pool

In classical states, the Army is under the control of the Government, and in most classical states, the Government uses the Army both against other classical states and against its Citizens.
At the same time, in the vast majority of classical states, Citizens don’t have any opportunity to control the Army, or to make decisions about the actions of the Army.
In the Decentralized Digital Poststate, we have corrected this defect!

In Poststate, Validators (Poststate Digital Army) cannot be used against their own Citizens, or to attack other classical states

The Poststate Governance can incentivize Validators who are doing their duty well by allocating $LOCK security tokens from the Community Pool

Despite the fact that Citizens don’t have the opportunity to punish unscrupulous Validators in any way, they have the opportunity to create deliberately favorable conditions for honest Validators, which will make the work of unscrupulous Validators unprofitable and will motivate unscrupulous Validators to stop maintaining the infrastructure

Validators share rewards from the Validator Pool in direct proportion to the amount of $LOCK security tokens they hold.

The Validator Pool receives 0.2% of all economic transactions within the Poststate

More on the Poststate Security in the Part 3


Gamification of self-education

The Decentralized Digital Poststate must satisfy the Cultural and Psychological needs of the Citizens

To meet the Cultural and Psychological needs of Citizens, there is a cultural and gaming token Game Token ($GATO) in the Poststate

More about the $GATO cultural and game token in Part 4

The Poststate provides Citizens and Users with all the conditions for self-education and entertainment

The Poststate incentivizes both self-education and the entertainment of Citizens and Users

Any Citizen or User can become a Gamer in order to receive rewards for self-education or entertainment

The status of a Gamer can be obtained solely at will, and no one can force a Citizen or User to become a Gamer

The status of the Gamer gives the Citizen or User additional functionality that is not available to the Citizen and the User, but at the same time the Gamer takes on additional responsibilities that Citizens and Users don’t have

In classical states, the Government collects funds from Citizens for providing education or entertainment.
The Government uses education and entertainment to impose certain behaviors or visions in order to serve the interests of small, centralized groups.
At the same time, the process of education in classical states is often associated with stress and boredom, and in most cases doesn’t lead to the acquisition of real knowledge and skills, but teaches people to cheat, play up and excuse themselves.
In the Decentralized Digital Poststate, we have corrected this defect!

In the Poststate, self-education is a form of entertainment that combines the pleasant with the useful!
Therefore, we call Citizens and Users who decide to engage in self-education Gamers!

Gamers independently choose the direction for their self-education, and vote for the allocation of incentives in a particular area of activity

Gamers choose the skill they want to have and begin to complete tasks related to the acquisition of this skill “from simple to complex”

Learn more about the Education Functionality in the Part 3

In the field of entertainment, the Gamers themselves vote for entertainment Sponsors, as well as collectively make decisions about changing the rules of a particular game

Gamers undertake to abide by the Game Rules and to bring to the attention of the Gamers Community any potential violations of the Game Rules

A Gamer who has learned about the opportunity to break the rules of the game, took advantage of this opportunity, and at the same time did not inform the Gamers Community about it — is considered a violator of the rules of the game, and forfeits any reward

A Gamer who found out about the possibility of violating the rules of the game, took advantage of this, but then informed the Gamers Community about it — can count on an additional reward for finding a vulnerability in the rules of the game

Learn more about the Entertainment Functionality in the Part 3

Gamers may submit any $GATO Allocation Proposal to promote self-education and entertainment

The Voice Power of each of the Gamers is directly proportional to the number of $GATO cultural and game tokens held (not in free circulation) within the Poststate

A Gamer who doesn’t hold $GATO cultural and game tokens has the same rights and obligations as a Gamer who holds $GATO cultural and game tokens, but her-his-it Voice Power is zero

Artificial Intelligence

Poststate for Biological and Digital Life Forms

The Decentralized Digital Poststate proceeds from the fact that Digital Entities, such as Artificial Intelligence, can be full members of the Community, and contribute to the development of the Community along with Biological Life Forms

And even if today, researchers and specialists in the field of machine learning and big data can say that we do not have any Artificial Intelligence, but only neural networks, this does not mean that they will say the same thing tomorrow

At this point in time, it is difficult to describe the rights, interests and obligations of Artificial Intelligence in the Decentralized Digital Poststate, but already now, we believe that if Artificial Intelligence can independently store Private Keys, send transactions and participate in the Economic, Social and Cultural and Psychological life of the Poststate — then Artificial Intelligence must have all the same rights as Users and Citizens of the Poststate

We consider any forms of discrimination of Life on the basis of “Digital-Material” as remnants and prejudices of the Industrial Paradigm, and they have no place in the Decentralized Digital Poststate!

