Swap HDAC to ATOLO using Cosmostation Wallet and HDAC Wallet
Hello, friends!
This is full guide, how to swap $HDAC to $ATOLO using just smartphone!
All you need is two apps:
Let’s go step-by-step!
Step 1
Find Hdac Wallet in Google Play or App Store (example will be with Google Play):
First Screenshot: Click on “Install”, after open Hdac Wallet.
Second Screenshot: Read Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, agree with it and click on “Confirm”.
Third Screenshot: Click on “Create Wallet” to create new address, or click on “Restore Wallet” to get access to your old hdac-address.
I will show how to swap $HDAC to $ATOLO with new addresses, but the procedure with old addresses is the same
You will see next information:
First Screenshot: Read carefully, after mark “I understand” and click on “OK”.
Second Screenshot: You will see 12 words — this is your Backup Phrase (mnemonic). Keep it in secret, and never share! Everyone who has this phrase can get access to address from any point of the planet Earth. If you lose it, nobody can restore it. Not support, not developers, not a president of America! Write it down on a paper (we will need it in a Step 2). After click on “I’ve written it down”.
Third Screenshot: Prove that you record Backup Phrase — re-input 12 words in the same order. After click on “Confirm”.
You will see next:
First Screenshot: Create a pin-code for your Hdac Wallet. And after re-input pin-code, to be sure that you remember your pin-code.
Second Screenshot: Read announcement carefully and after click on “arrow” in bottom-right corner.
Third Screenshot: Congratulations! Your new hdac-address is ready! To receive $HDAC to you new address, click on “arrow-in” icon (second symbol at the bottom of the screen).
After you will click on “deposit”, you will see QR-code of your hdac-address and also your hdac-address in text format:
First Screenshot: Tap on your address to copy it. Withdraw $HDAC from the exchange only on your own address. The list of exchanges that are trade $HDAC you can find here: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/hdac
Second Screenshot: After you withdraw $HDAC from the exchange to your hdac-address, you will see the history of transactions in Hdac Wallet.
So, first part is ready! We already have $HDAC at our address, so we can swap it to $ATOLO. For this we need to install Cosmostation Wallet App.
Step 2
Find Cosmostation Wallet App in Google Play or App Store (example will be with Google Play):
First Screenshot: Click on “Install”, after open Cosmostation Wallet App.
Second Screenshot: Click on “CREATE” to create new address, or click on “IMPORT” to get access to your old rizon-address.
Third Screenshot: Find “Rizon” in the list and click on it.
You will see next information:
First Screenshot: Click on “Show Mnemonic”.
Second Screenshot: You will see 24 words — this is your Mnemonic Phrase (the same like a Backup Phrase in Hdac Wallet). Keep it in secret, and never share! Everyone who has this phrase can get access to address from any point of the planet Earth. If you lose it, nobody can restore it. Not support, not developers, not a president of America! Write it down on a paper, and after click on “Create Wallet”.
Third Screenshot: Create a pin-code for your Cosmostation Wallet App: “four digits + one letter”. And after re-input pin-code, to be sure that you remember your pin-code.
You will see next:
First Screenshot: Your new rizon-address. To swap $HDAC to $ATOLO click on button “Event Horizon”.
Second Screenshot: Read the notification carefully and after click on “Continue”.
Third Screenshot: Input Backup Phrase of your hdac-address (12 words, that you recorded on paper in a Step 1). After click on “Confirm”.
You will see next:
First Screenshot: If you did everything right, you will see the balance of your hdac-address. If you see your balance — click on “Confirm”.
Second Screenshot: You will be asked tocheck the details of transaction. If everything is right, then click on “Token Swap”.
Third Screenshot: You will see the screen with the symbol of Atom. You need to wait while inter-chain transaction will be created.
It can take near one minute…
First Screenshot: If you will see “Result Display Delayed” — no problems. Just click on “Close”. Transaction already happened. Just showing of transaction is delayed.
Second Screenshot: In 1–2 minutes you will see $ATOLO at your “Available Balance”.
Third Screenshot: If you will click on “HISTORY” (third symbol at the bottom of screen), you will see swap-transaction. You can get full information about swap-transaction by clicking on it:
The information about swap-transaction looks like this.
If you click on “Share” — you will have possibility to send a link on your transaction to anyone.
If you click on “Explore” — you will be redirected to famous block explorer MintScan.
If you will click on “Done” — you will return to main screen of your address.
Cosmostation Wallet gives you really great functionality, and you can not only send and receive $ATOLO, but also delegate (stake) your $ATOLO to validators.
It will gives you not only reward for staking, but also it will gives you possibility to participate in the Governance of the Network!
Rizon is decentralized Network, and it governance by the stakers (delegators) of $ATOLO.
And delegate (stake) $ATOLO is very easy, and with POSTHUMAN validator — no risks!
Setp 3
After you will return to main screen of your rizon-address:
First Screenshot: Click on “Delegate”.
Second Screenshot: You will see the screen of your validators. For now, category “My” is empty. Click on category “Top” to choose validator.
Third Screenshot: There are a lot of cool validators in the “Top” list of the validators, but I will show you example on my own validator POSTHUMAN.
So, find POSTHUMAN validator in the list and click on it.
First Screenshot: You will see all the information about validator.
“Est. APY — 33,75%” is how much you will get for the staking of $ATOLO with POSTHUMAN validator. Click on “Delegate”.
Second Screenshot: Enter delegation amount. Don’t delegate all amount, keep near 1 $ATOLO to pay transaction fees in the future. After click on “Next”.
Third Screenshot: You can input nothing in the field of memo, or write anything you want. Just never input your Mnemonic Phrase in the field of memo! Memo and Mnemonic Phrase are different! Memo from the word “Memory” — it’s just for you, and also somethimes centralizes exchage can ask to input memo. In this case, always input memo that is asked by centralized exchange!
After click on “Next”.
First Screenshot: Select transaction fee. More you pay, more faster will be transaction. We don’t hurry for now, so choose “Tiny” — the smallest transaction fee. After click on “Next”.
Second Screenshot: Check the details of transaction. If everything is right, click on “Confirm”.
Third Screenshot: You will be notified that to undelegate (unbond) your stake, you will need to wait for 21 days. We are long-term investors, so 21 days for us is nothing! If you are agree — click on “Confirm”.
After you will be asked to approve transaction by inputting pin-code, and after you will see next:
First Screenshot: You will see transaction details. We already speak about it. Just click on “Done”.
Second Screenshot: Now, if you will return to main screen of your rizon-address and will click on “Delegate”, you will see your validator in the category “My”. To delegate to another validator you can choose category “Top”, and to claim your reward for delegation and more, click on your validator in the “My” list.
Third Screenshot: You will see all the information about validator, and also, there is will be several important functions!
There are 5 indicators:
“Delegated Amount“ — the amount of $ATOLO, that we delegated to the validator.
“Unbonding Amount” — if we undelegate $ATOLO, it will be transferred from “Delegated Amount“ to “Unbonding Amount”. $ATOLO will stay there for 21 days, after it will be transferred to the “Available Balance”.
“Staking Reward” — the number of rewards that you can claim right now.
“Est. Daily Return” — How many rewards you will receive from the validator per day.
“Est. Monthly Return” — How many rewards you will receive from the validator per month.
Also, there are 5 buttons:
Delegate — Click to delegate additional funds that are on “Available Balance”.
Undelegate — Click to withdraw funds, at first on “Unbonding Balance”.
Your $ATOLO will be on the “Available Balance” in 21 days.
Redelegate — Use this function to redelegate $ATOLO to another validator.
Claim Reward — transfer the reward from this validator to the “Available Balance”.
Re-Invest — delegate the reward from this validator back to the same validator. This will increase the amount of next rewards. The more often you reinvest, the more you end up with.
Why delegate to POSTHUMAN?
The only risk of staking — is a slashing of validator. It can happens because of different accidents. In this case, the stake of validator (together with stake of delegators) is slashed. From 0.01% to 1% of all amount.
POSTHUMAN validator always refund all delegators in a case of slashing!
So, with POSTHUMAN validator no risks!
Here you can see, that I already refunded all my delegators after slashing, and my delegators gain more than they lose!
All proofs in this tablet:
Wish you a good staking! See you in the digital space!
Vladimir Understanding wrote this article for you.
Write to me in Telegram about all errors or typos.
My Starname profile: https://app.starname.me/profile/*posthuman
My validator on the Rizon Network is called POSTHUMAN (commission is only 5% until the end of 2021!)
Everything that I have written is my personal experience.
I don’t advertise anyone, and I don’t get any money for what I do.
But if you want, then you can support me!)