Voting for proposals in the Cosmos Network ( ) is very easy!
I use Cosmostation Wallet for voting:
AndroidOS app:
iOS app:
Browser wallet:
You need to make only 8 clicks (not counting the pin-code):
1. Open Cosmostation Wallet and you will see:
Choose “Vote” — the first click.
2. You will see a list of proposals:
Choose the proposal, that marked as “VotingPeriod” — second click.
3. You will see all the information about the proposal:
Choose “Vote” — the third click.
4. You will see 4 possible answers:
In our case, select “YES” — the fourth click.
Then click on “Next” — the fifth click.
5. You will be asked to fill out a memo:
Memo is important for validators, for us it’s not important.
Fill out nothing, just click on “Next” — the sixth click.
6. You will be asked to choose a transaction fee:
Transaction speed does not matter for a voting.
The slider is on “Free”.
Click on “Next” — the seventh click.
7. Once again, you will see the number and name of the proposal, and other information:
If: everything is right
Then: click on “Confirm” — the eighth click.
You will be asked to enter a pin-code.
After, wait for a few seconds, until your voting in process.
After you will see all the information about how and when you voted:
If you did everything correctly, you will see a “green checkmark” next to “Success”.
That’s all.
Only 8 clicks!
Our voice is heard.
We took part in a life of Cosmos Network ecosystem!
If you have any questions, you can ask in Telegram:
Cosmos Network Interplanetary Community:
Cosmostation Wallet Interplanetary Community:
Cyber Interplanetary Community:
I guarantee my reputation for all of the above:
You can send me some ATOMs, if you like my instructions: