To stake (or delegate, it’s the same) $CTK in Certik-chain is very easy!
You will get reward for it!
Dawnload the wallet and create an address
To stake (delegate) your $CTK, you need to create your certik-address and top up your balance.
There are several ways to create a certik-address.
The easiest and most convenient way to create a certik-address is to dawnload the Cosmostation Wallet app.
iOS version
Android version
The certik-address is in the Certik-chain, not in the wallet!
Anyone who knows the mnemonic (not to be confused with memo) can access the certik-address from any wallet, or via the command line.
Safely keep your mnemonic (24 words) — write it down on paper. Better 2 times!
Never pass it on to third parties!
After installing the application, you will be asked to create a pin code:
four numbers + letter
If you forget your PIN, it’s okay. You can always uninstall the application and reinstall it. After reinstallation, you will need to re-import the addresses into the wallet.
Cosmostation Wallet allows you to create addresses for different blockchains on the Cosmos-SDK.
Certik is a blockchain based on the Cosmos SDK.
We need to create a certik-address.
Left screenshot:
(1) choose CERTIK
(2) click on “+”
Right screenshot:
(1) Import Mnemonic — if you already have a certik-address, then you must have a mnemonic (unchanged password) of this address.
Click on Import Mnemonic if you want to add an existing address to the Cosmostation Wallet.
Mnemonic Phrase — this is usually 24 words in a certain sequence. But there may be 12 or 16 words.
(2) CREATE — click if you want to create a new certik-address.
After clicking on “CREATE” you will be warned that the mnemonic is a unique password and no one can recover it. Better to write it down on paper, or store it on devices that don’t have access to the Internet.
You are solely responsible for maintaining your mnemonic!
Cosmostation doesn’t have access to your mnemonic, and will not be able to restore it, if you lose it!
Take it seriously and click on “Show Mnemonic”.
After you have recorded your mnemonic, click on “Create Wallet”.
Functionality of wallet
Hooray! You have created a certik-address! Congratulations!
(1) The name of your address. It can be anything. This is for your convenience. It can be changed in “SETTING”. You can change the name, but not the address itself!
(2) This is your certik-address, which can be accessed with the mnemonic. You can share this address. In the blockchain, an address is public information.
(3) Click to see the QR-code of your address, or share your address.
(4) Click to send $CTK from your address to another certik-address.
(5) Click “Delegate” to stake your $CTK. You need to have $CTK on your balance.
You can buy $CTK at Binance exchange. You will have discount if you use my referal link: GIKI9ZQ0
This is instruction, how to swap $CTK from Binance Smart Chain to $CTK on Certik-chain.
After you will have $CTK on your balance, you can click on “Delegate”.
Delegate $CTK and choose validators
By delegating $CTK to validators, you become a Delegator.
By doing this, you increase the security of the network, and reduce the volatility of $CTK.
(1) “Top” (List of Active Validators) — Click to see the entire list of validators that support Certik’s network security.
Choose validators from this list.
Validators from “Top” can move to “Other”.
(2) Choose validator.
Here we see the icon, name (Cosmostation), and a description of the validator:
There are four metrics:
- “Total Bonded” is the amount of $CTK under the control of the validator.
- “Self Bonded Rate“ — The percentage of the total amount $CTK, that belongs directly to the validator.
0% means that all the $CTK, that is under the control of the validator is delegated to it by someone else, and the validator does not have a personal $CTK.
- (1) “Est. Apr” — the percentage that you will receive for delegating $CTK to the validator.
- “Commission” — the percentage that the validator takes for the provision of validation services.
10% means that the network pays the validator ~8.66% per year, of which he takes 12% (1.04%) for himself, and sends the remaining 88% (7.62%) to you as a reward for delegation.
(2) Click on “DELEGATE”.
Left screenshot:
(1) This displays the amount of $CTK you want to delegate to the validator. You can enter the quantity manually.
(2) Then click on “Next”
Middle screenshot:
On this screen, we are asked to enter memo. Not to be confused with “menemonic”!
Memo is required to send $CTK to the exchange address. For delegating, voting, sending funds to another address — no memo is required!
Leave the memo field empty. Click on “Next”
Right screenshot:
Information about network fee for transaction.
Click on “Next”
Left screenshot:
We are asked to once again make sure that we have specified everything the way we want: We are delegating 1 $CTK, with fee 0.01 $CTK. Delegate to Cosmostation. Without any memo.
That’s right!
Click on “Confirm”
Middle screenshot:
We are reminded once again that we can lose some of the reward if something happens to the validator. And that in case of withdrawal of funds, we will need to wait 14 days, during which we will not receive a reward, and we will not be able to withdraw $CTK to another address.
We understand, that nothing will happen with Cosmostation Validator.
Click on “Confirm”
Right screenshot:
(1) If you see a green checkmark next to “Success” then everything is fine!
You can see all information:
Using Transaction hash, you can always find your transaction in the blockchain.
(2) Click on “Done”
When you will return to main menu of your address, you can click “Delegate” again:
Left screenshot:
(1) We can see the list of validators, that control our stake in the “My” list.
(2) You can claim a reward from all validators with one click: “Claim all Rewards”:
(3) Click, to use more functions of Cosmostation Wallet App.
Right screenshot:
(1) Delegate — Click to delegate additional funds that are on “Available Balance”.
(2) Undelegate — Click to withdraw funds, first on “Unbonding Balance”. The funds will be on the “Available Balance” in 14 days.
(3) Redelegate — Use this function to redelegate funds to another validator. This feature can be used no more than once every 7 days.
(4) Claim Reward — transfer the reward from this validator to the “Available Balance”.
(5) Re-Invest — delegate the reward from this validator back to the same validator. This will increase the number of next rewards — will make the percentage grow. The more often you reinvest, the more you end up with. You pay nothing for reinvestment.
(6) Reward — the number of rewards that you can claim right now.
“Daily Return” — How many rewards you will receive from the validator per day.
“Monthly Return” — How many rewards you will receive from the validator per month.
Official Website:
Cosmos Web Wallet:
Block Explorer:
Made by Vladimir Ponimajushij:
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Nobody pay me for this! I live with donations!