If you was staking $OSMO or $ATOM, may be you are eligible to receive airdrop. Rules of $LUM-drop is here.
If you are eligible to receive $LUM-drop, go to https://wallet.lum.network/
You will see this:
Choose a way, how to connect to $LUM-wallet:
- Click on “Extension” if you want to connect with Keplr Wallet
- Click on “Hardware” if you want to connect with Ledger
The example will be on Keplr Extension, but the same for Ledger
You will see this:
Click on “Keplr extension”, after click on “Continue” and you will see this:
If you are eligible to receive $LUM-drop, you will have 1 $LUM at your current balance.
To receive full $LUM-drop, you need to delegate (stake) some $LUM, and also to vote for the proposal.
Let’s delegate (stake) some (but not all) $LUM at first.
In the top menu, click on tap “Staking”, and you will see this:
Scroll down, until you will see the list of “Available validators”:
Choose a validator from the list, and after click the “Delegate ”button next to the name of chosen validator.
Don’t chose validator from the top, because more decentralized Network — more value in the Network!
Important parameter is “Commission” — more less commission of validator — more your reward, but also, more validator do for the Network — more price of $LUM. Sometimes better to delegate to validator with bigger commission, but this validator will do a lot for the Network, and you will get less $LUM, but price of $LUM will be more!
After you click on “Delegate ” button, new window will be opened:
In the “Amount” field, input 0.4 (don’t input 1, you will need some $LUM to pay for transaction!
After it click on “Continue”, and new window will be opened:
You will see details of your transaction, if everything is OK, click on “Delegate”, and window from Keplr will be opened:
Click on “Approve” in Keplr-window, wait several seconds, and you will see this:
If under the word “Delegate” you see green word “Success” — everything is cool! First part of $LUM-drop is received!
Click on “Close” button and scroll up, to see your new balance.
You $LUM-drop will be at “vesting balance” that means that you can’t transfer this $LUM to any other lum-address, but you can delegate $LUM from your vesting balance to validator (or several validators, that is better for the Network) and get reward!
This reward will come to you “available balance”, and you can transfer it to any other lum-address, or re-invest it again to get more reward in future!
Now, let’s get second part of $LUM-drop! For this we need to vote for the proposal.
Click on “Operations” tab in top-menu, and you will see this:
Scroll a little bit down, and you will see this:
Click on “Vote” and new window will be opened:
We need to input number of proposal in the “Proposal ID” field.
I don’t know, why devs of Lum-wallet did’t implement possibility to choose between possible proposals, but I hope, soon it will be)
To see, which proposal is on voting now, and what is the number of proposal, go to the Lum Network block explorer: https://www.mintscan.io/lum/proposals
You will see something like this:
On screenshot, we can see only “passed” and “rejected” proposals. Also, proposals can be in “deposit period” and in “voting period”.
To get second part of $LUM-drop, we need to vote for the proposal.
So, we need proposal that is in “voting period”, but no such proposal for now. What does it means? We need to wait for a new proposal!
Looks like it will be #6
Any way, now we understand how to know what is proposal number in voting period, and when you will see such proposal, just go to https://wallet.lum.network/operations and input number of proposal into “Proposal ID” field, and choose your opinion. You will have something like this:
But do it only after you will see proposal in voting period!!!
Click on “Continue”:
Click on “Vote”:
“Approve” in Kepler and that’s all!
But do it only after you will see proposal in voting period!!!
After you will see second part of $LUM-drop at your vesting balance!
This guide made by POSTHUMAN validator.
We still don’t validate Lum Network, but we plan to do it!
Also, we validate many other cool networks, full list you can find here:
Also, feel free to support my enthusiasm!